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GARAGE DOORS Installation & Repair

Rolling Doors Garage Doors

Rolling Fire Commercial Garage Doors


Ideal Applications:
Fire & Smoke Protection, Car Dealerships, Automotive Centers, Life-Safety Applications, Performance Stages/Theaters

Selected most often for practical drop test compliance and assuring positive crisis response, C.H.I. Guardian™ Fire Doors deliver reliable, predictable, and repeatable results. Safe, simple, inexpensive, and repeatable drop testing is now made possible in any facility with the flip of a handle.


Our Coiling Fire Doors are available in a variety of gauges, slat profiles and colors. Also choose from fail-safe time delayed releases, smoke detectors and audible and visual warning systems.


Model Fire Rating Gauge Max Size Insulation/R-Value Slat Type Finishes
7301 ¾ Hr., 1-1/2 Hr., or 3 Hr 20 gauge 24’0″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Non-insulated Flat Gray, White, Galvanized, Powder coated
22 gauge 18’4″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Gray, White, Tan, Brown, Galvanized, Powder coated
7302 ¾ Hr., 1-1/2 Hr., or 3 Hr 20 / 24 gauge backer 24’0″ max std. width
20’4″ max. std. height
Mineral wool R-Value 4.2 Flat Gray, White or Galvanized with Gray, White, Tan, Brown or Galvanized Backer; Powder coated
22 / 24 gauge backer 18’4″ max std. width
20’4″ max. std. height
Gray, White, Tan, Brown or Galvanized with Gray, White, Tan or Galvanized Backer; Powder coated
7366 ¾ Hr., 1-1/2 Hr., or 3 Hr 22 Ga. Stainless Steel 13’4″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Non-insulated Flat #4 Finish
7400 ¾ Hr., 1-1/2 Hr., 3 Hr., or 4 Hr 18 gauge 24’0″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Non-insulated Curved Gray, White, Galvanized, Powder coated
20 gauge 18’4″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
22 gauge 13’4″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Gray, White, Tan, Brown, Galvanized, Powder coated
7401 4 Hr 18 gauge 24’0″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Non-insulated Flat Gray, White, Galvanized, Powder coated
20 gauge 18’4″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
22 gauge 13’4″ max std. width
24’0″ max. std. height
Gray, White, Tan, Brown, Galvanized, Powder coated

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